Solve Sundsbo Photo Analysis


Photographer: Solve Sundsbo Source


Strong, the side of her body facing the light is clearly illuminated, the black backdrop absorbs all the light around her giving a crisp edge to her figure with the exception of her dark hair.


From the distortion of the spots on the side of her arm and leg, I think the source of light is above and to the right. Her face is turned towards the light, casting the shadow from her hand.


To get the crisp dots the light would be hard.


Cold, the base light is white and the dots have a slightly blue tinge around them.

Beam Pattern:

Polka Dots!


The use of cold lighting and red lipstick draws your eye to her face first, her closed eyes and hand positioning looks quite blissful, as if she’s just taken a bite of a really god strawberry. It could be read as sexual but I think the use of shadow over the her breasts, torso and pelvis gives a sense of disconnection to her body, it’s almost uncanny valley with the interlaced position of her legs and arm. I also think she’d wearing a full body of white body paint as you can see some pink on the bottom of her toes, this could have been to increase the contrast. I’m not sure what context this image was used in other than it was part of a series by the same photographer exploring different beam patterns. Some of the other models had bright eye makeup as well as lipstick.

Lighting Diagram:


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